St. Peter’s Parish Church

Tilton on the Hill - Leicestershire


Every Sunday in July 2017 - Teas in Church

A lovely Teas in Church this July which saw regulars, visitors and villagers sitting outside and inside for their teas.

There was a willing band of helpers and lots of gorgeous cakes donated by skilled cake makers.

There was a raffle for a basket of wine and a Tour of the Kingpower Stadium, some plants for sale, cakes and soft fruit.

Thank you to the cakemakers - Helen, Nick, Jean, Jeanette, Joan, Sarah, Jenny and Ruth.

Thank you to the helpers - Margaret, Kathy, Pam, Sybil, Christine, Ruth and Liz & Sandra.

Thank you to Caroline for donating the wine - which was won by Jim and also to LCFC for donating the Tour of the Kingpower Stadium - which was won by Maurice. Thank you to Janet for donating the plants and thank you to everyone who supported us.

Teas raised £605.80. Raffle £137.0O. Plants £24.00. Totalling £766.80 for St. Peter's Church.

The 'Sunday Social' will be back next July!

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