St. Peter’s Parish Church

Tilton on the Hill - Leicestershire


Saturday & Sunday 25th & 26th June 2016 - Scarecrow Weekend & Garage Sales

Rain, sun and cloud was the weather for the weekend. Rain mostly for Saturday but lots of hardy people visited the village to buy from the garage sales and fill in the scarecrow quiz with 26 displayed on the theme of Family Films. Lovely food and drink at the Village Hall with plant stall, bar-b-que, sangria and lunches, tombola and other stalls. Local people and businesses sponsored the various hampers for the raffle and the cake stall was magnificent!

On Sunday evening a party, with a bar-b-que, in the Rose & Crown for all the participants was a great success. Nick Pomfritt and his music men provided the entertainment.

The best scarecrow was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe provided by Debs, Rebecca & Violet Walker. The Scarecrow Quiz was won by The Hill Family and the Paper Plane Throwing Challenge was won by Martin Lander.

Thank you to everyone who made the weekend so successful with £2,362 raised to go towards the Insurance for the Church.

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