St. Peter’s Parish Church

Tilton on the Hill - Leicestershire


Saturday 18th June 2016 - Melton Mowbray Orchestra

On June 18th 2016 Melton Mowbray Orchestra returned, after three years, to St.Peter's Church for a Concert of Classical music.

After a short rehearsal in church, followed by tea in the Village Hall, the Orchestra played a selection of music by Tchaikovsky, Johan Strauss, Rimsky-Korsakov and Frederick Delius. It was a delightful evenings music which was very much appreciated by the fifty people in the audience.

Tilton PCC are grateful to Melton Mowbray Orchestra for helping us to raise £435.00 towards out Bell Tower Restoration.

Thank you also to everyone who helped with the lovely interval refreshments and to everyone who made the evening a success.

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